Lead has been my companion in sculpture for years. Early pieces – tools wrapped in lead, moving to sections of tree sliced, re- assembled and wrapped. I have cast lead into forms pressed in sand, works which relate more to drawing than sculpture.
Concrete has been used in a number of sculptures, constructed by shaping and moulding the concrete when still in a plastic state.
In the last few years, I have departed from lead, using wax and paper, twigs and household rubbish in a series of ‘3D drawings’ cast in simple column or slab.
The most recent sculpture, ‘Dancing Tree’, is in a new material for me – iron. An ash tree was sliced, cast and re-assembled with external flanges and bolts. The sculpture is part ‘natural’, part ‘industrial’, and was installed in the stable courtyard of Marchmont House in 2020. Marchmont is a most wonderful place, making a big difference not only to the arts and crafts in the Scottish Borders but also nationally and internationally. Hugo Burge, the director, has been hugely supportive of my work, several of my pieces are in his collection.